Parable of the Unjust Steward. 2012. Artist A.N. Mironov [14] It is time to turn to the fascinating Parable of the Unjust Steward (Luke 16.1-13). It's about a rich landowner who suspects his property manager, called a steward, of squandering his wealth. The rich man decides to fire his steward, at which point the steward panics and then ensures his own survival by remitting the debts of his master’s debtors. He does so in order to be welcomed into these debtors’ homes after news of his dismissal becomes widely known. The startling surprise of this parable comes when the landowner appears to undergo a change of heart. Strangely, the steward’s decision to use the landowner’s wealth to remit debts results not in the landowner becoming even angrier but in commendation. To be clear, this is as miraculous as it is absurd. Adding to this, Jesus closes this parable with a teaching that hints at immorality, and which has vexed interpreters for millennia: “And I tell you, make friends for y...
Reflections on the role and history of money in Christianity from the first to the fifth centuries